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Dual Language

Two Languages: Your Child’s Doorway to Success

2025-2026 Dual Language Application

The 2025-2026 Dual Language Application for incoming kindergarten students is now open. The application deadline is May 1, 2025, at 3:45 p.m.

In addition to completing the application, attending a parent meeting is required for your child to be considered for the Dual Language program. Click the thumbnails to view parent meeting dates.

Dual Language Application - English  Dual Language Application - SpanishInformation Packet - English and Spanish

First page of the PDF file: DualLanguageMeetingDates-English
First page of the PDF file: DualLanguageMeetingDates-Spanish_1

Dual language programs in Clear Creek ISD offer students the unique opportunity to learn Spanish or English, depending on the student’s home language. Dual language programs are offered at five elementary schools as well as three intermediate schools to support the learning progression.

While Dual Language Two-Way programs are offered in select schools, enrollment in the program is open to students outside of those attendance boundaries based on space availability. This is an application only program. For the program to be effective, a class is balanced with both English and Spanish speakers. 

English-speaking students may enter the Dual Language Program in either kindergarten or another grade level if they meet the entry criteria for that grade level.

Procedures For Entering The Dual Language Program

Procedimientos para entrar al Programa de Lenguaje Dual

dual language student writing on a worksheet



Elementary Dual Language Schools

Click below for campus details and documentation.

Intermediate Dual Language Schools



For more information about how to enroll your child in CCISD Dual Language Two-Way Program Contact:

Cynthia Suarez
Dual Language Coordinator